Wednesday, March 19, 2014

More Room!

This past Sunday I decided it was past time to put in more Garden space.

So I started pulling the grass up, then with the help of my mommy the edging stones were placed and finally the fencing.

There are red onions planted around the perimeter, 3 pepper plants on the rounded end, blackeye peas between the taller fence poles and marrigolds infront of the peas.

just in case I can't get the photo added the following link hopefully will work ...!141&authkey=!AK-SdASRa-CD4gI&ithint=folder,.jpg

Monday, March 10, 2014

spring plantings

with the coming of spring its time to plant more.

put the three sisters in the turnips old box.

green beans went in where two of the three Cherokee purple plants had died off from the frost.