Saturday, March 19, 2022

Buzz Buzz Bees and Wetness

 Thursday this last week I got in 2 more packages of bees. They are installed in their hives with the hard bottoms I created and only about a 3/4 inch opening. So Far it seems to be working very well.

I also got some experience in wood working by helping build a potting table for a friend's birthday.

Ran some water down to the new garden.

Got the Tomato Starts in the original garden area ... I have no hope for them they are very delicate. While I was doing this the 1 Cabbage head that I harvested the week before had its stem trying to regrow.
And last but not least the Pepper Plant Starts got put in the new garden and the water system tested.

I now have all the supplies I need to also run water to the Plumcot trees and re-do the watering system to the original garden so that I can weed and mow up there much easier.

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