Saturday, April 23, 2022

Plums! and a Castle or 2

 I HAVE PLUMS! They are on the newest plum tree, but I HAVE 6 PLUMS!

Everyone seems to be in agreement that these are black berries and I have quite a bit of them as well.

The Bees are doing great as well. I just put a "castle" on them. All that means is I added a box with frames. I am currently using 8 frame boxes. It still surprises me how docile these bees are; guess I did the right thing in making solid bottoms with limited openings. Didn't even need to use smoke to add the box. The boxes on top are a means to assist the hive with not getting too hot from the sun. Allowing some shade as well as air flow.

Finally got the fence along the front of the house down as well. All that is left are the fence posts and to put up another fence or just leave it without a fence.... decisions.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Move a little there, Move a little here

 but First ....

A picture of how the new 4ft by 8ft garden is doing.

Around the outside/boarder is garlic and onion and marigold.
On the left is purple hull peas.
The middle is 3 bell pepper plants

And while I do not have a picture of them, the 2 new packages of bees seem to be doing quite well for themselves.

The front yard had a mishmash of fencing. As seen below there was wire fence then chain link fencing.

It has taken a while, but first the wire fencing came down and now the chain link fence is down. All that is left is to take down the fence posts.

Also from left to right planted (look for red-ish rings):
2 plum trees and 2 plumcot trees
The plumcot farthest away in the picture I also dug up and put in some good dirt.